Tug of War
Young Voices
Chris Lubbe
Young Voices
Chinese New Year
Police Academy
Golf Academy
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Colossians 3:23
Our Christian Value for this half-term is Joy.

Reception Show Arounds.jpg


A very warm welcome to Bollington St John's C of E Primary School. Our amazing school celebrates a unique and innovative learning journey for every child. We deliver a creative and global curriculum that enables all our children to become enquiring learners who are confident when faced with exciting and new opportunities. With strong Christian values at the heart of all we do, our passionate staff provide a distinctive and nurturing approach to learning that enables everyone to flourish.

The school is a warm, friendly place to learn, where the children spend their day in a caring and safe environment. We have high expectations of our pupils, but also offer enrichment activities such as Forest Schools. We are passionate about developing a child's talent, whether that is in sport, in drama, in languages or in art. We are proud of our wonderful school, and especially of our International Schools Award and our Global Neighbours Award.

The Headteacher is Melanie Walker, and the Chair of Governors is Mike Akerman.

Mission Statement

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Colossians 3:23

Guided by faith, with an understanding that we have all been given different talents by God, we strive for excellence in everything we do. We believe every person has talents within them. As such, we nurture confidence and aspiration, supporting each other to work with all our hearts, to become the best that we can be. This truly makes St John’s a school ‘Where talent grows’.

Ofsted Report 2023

"Pupils are proud to attend this small and welcoming school. The warm and positive relationships that pupils build with staff, and with each other, help them to feel safe. Pupils’ behaviour in classes and on the playground reflects leaders’ high expectations and the school’s values. Pupils are polite, respectful and caring towards each other and to adults. Pupils know that staff care about them and will listen to any worries that they may have. They know that they will get help if they need it. Leaders deal with any incidents, such as bullying, swiftly and with sensitivity. Pupils make great strides in their personal development during their time at the school. They enjoy a range of experiences which help them to develop as confident young citizens. For example, leaders have provided pupils with opportunities to become engaged in a range of global and environmental projects, which pupils spoke about confidently. Pupils carry out leadership responsibilities with pride, such as being reading buddies to younger pupils. Leaders have put in place an ambitious curriculum. They have thought carefully about what they want pupils to learn. Leaders have clearly identified the key knowledge that staff must teach pupils. Teachers design learning that helps pupils to learn the key knowledge that they need. As a result, pupils know more and remember more over time and achieve well." Ofsted, January 2023. 

Our Calendar

Quality Mark Early Years Award Logo
No Out Siders: All different, All Welcome
International School Award Logo
Tytherington Partnership Logo
Stonewall School Champions Logo
School Games Gold Award 2023-2024 Logo
Ofsted Good Provider Logo
PSQM logo
Girls On Board
Girls On Board

Bollington St John's

Grimshaw Lane, Bollington, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 5LY

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