“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” Colossians 3:23

Church Link

Please click here to visit the website of St Oswald's Church, Bollington.


Wednesday 17th July 2024

We held a wonderful annual event in school today. Our Year 6 children received their Leavers' Bibles from the Bollington Sunday School Foundation Trust.




Tuesday 16th July 2024

Thank you to Rev Jenny who came to school today to talk to the Year 6 children before they transition to High School. She gave them each a prayer bracelet, and the children shared their favourite school memories.




Wednesday 27th March 2024

Class 3 have had a fantastic day at St Oswald's church. They joined friends from Bollington Cross. The children were led around different stations, to think about the Easter story. After lunch there was a silent Easter Egg hunt. Finally, they performed songs for their parents.


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Friday 22nd March 2024

Delighted to welcome Rev Jenny to school today, to lead our Easter worship. The children beautifully sang the Easter story and left the hall in quiet reflection.


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Tuesday 13th February 2024

Today, we explored the importance of Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in the Christian Calendar. We finished the day with a pancake treat!




Thursday 1st February 2024

Thank you to Rev Nancy for leading her first assembly of this academic year today. 


Nativity December 2023

Our infant children were delightful retelling the Nativity today. Based on 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt,' the children journeyed to Bethlehem to meet the baby Jesus.




Harvest Celebration on Friday 29th September 2023

What a wonderful Harvest Assembly we held today. The children eloquently explained the Sustainable Development Goals and how we weave them into our learning. Thank you for all the donations which will be collected by Silklife on Monday. Our order of service, prepared for our Harvest Assembly, is attached below.






Thursday 13th July 2023

Thank you to Rev Nancy who held a special Year 6 assembly today, to talk to the children about transition and new beginnings.


Summer 2023 

We have been delighted to welcome Rev Nancy to school this term to lead our Thursday worships. Here she is on St Peter's Day, 29th June, telling the children all about this saint and St Paul.



Easter 2023 

Rev Nancy has visited school, and delivered an assembly on the significance of Lent and Easter. Please scroll down to 'Files to Download' to see the Easter services at St Oswald's this year.



Spring Term 2023 

We are delighted to welcome Rev Nancy into school for worships again this term. We are currently focussing on our 'Christian Value' of Forgiveness.



Christmas Worship 15th December 2022 

Our thanks to Rev Nancy for leading a wonderful Christmas worship in school today. Rev Nancy would like to invite you to the following services at St Oswald's Church, Bollington:

Christmas Eve 

- Crib Nativity Service at 4pm (for 45 minutes)

- Midnight Mass at 11:15pm

- Christmas Day Communion at 10:30am for an hour (bring your presents)



Christingle 4th December 2022 

The Christingle Service this year is taking place at St Oswald's Church at 4pm on Sunday 4th December. It is a beautiful candlelit service, which is simple and short and designed to welcome all ages. It will be led by Rev Nancy, and you are all invited. The St Oswald team will be having fun making all the Christingles in the All Age Worship at 10.30am that day. You are all warmly invited to this event as well.


November 2022 

Wonderful to see Rev Nancy in school today leading a worship based on our current ‘Christian Value’ of Joy. We are thrilled that Nancy is able to lead worship every fortnight.



Harvest 30th September 2022 

Today, we welcomed family members, governors, the PTA and Rev Nancy into school for our Harvest celebration. Please see our Harvest order of service in the attachments below. It was so very lovely to see the hall so full, and to see the PTA refreshment area back up and running. We have gathered all your generous Harvest donations and will be ensuring they get to the Silklife Foodbank as quickly as possible. 

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Easter 2022

We had a joyous time celebrating Easter. The infant children read and acted the Easter story, sang songs and had a wonderful Easter bonnet parade. The junior children retold the Easter story through narration and song. Beverley came into school and led all the children in a 'Walk through Holy Week'. Finally, on the last day of term, Rev Nancy visited the children to talk about the importance of Easter.



Christingle December 2021

A huge thank you to Bev for coming into school and leading Chrsitingle workshops and puppet shows in all the classes.



Christingle means ‘Christ’s Light’ and it is a symbol of the Christian faith. Lots of churches hold Christingle services around Christmas time. The custom of giving out lighted candles in these services began in Germany in 1747 but it wasn't introduced to the Anglican Church in England until 1968.

Christingles are made up of different parts, each one being there to remind us of something.

  • The orange represents the world.
  • The candle reminds Christians of Jesus who they believe to be the light of the world.
  • The red ribbon goes all round the 'world' and being the colour of blood, reminds Christians that Jesus died.
  • The four cocktail sticks could have either of two meanings; the four seasons or the four corners of the world.
  • The sweets (or sometimes dried fruit) remind Christians of God's gifts to the world including kindness and love.
  • The foil is only there to catch waxy drips from the candle.


Our Kindness Avent December 2021

Please see below for all of St Oswald's Christmas services this year, including Christingle on 5th December.



Welcoming the New Starters October 2021

Thank you to Rev Nancy and Beverley who came from St Oswald's to welcome all our new Reception children as they start their journey with us at St John's. They brought their puppet Scruffy with them, and the children were delighted to meet him too.



Harvest 4th October 2021

We were thrilled to welcome Rev Nancy and Bev into school today to help us celebrate Harvest. Our Harvest Worship consisted of Class 1 showing artwork (with help from their reading buddies); Class 2 singing in their beautiful Harvest hats; Class 3 showing artwork and reading poems and Class 4 reading poems and reciting prayers. Rev Nancy then led us all in a final prayer before we sang ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ to finish.
Thank you to everyone who sent in donations, which have been gratefully received and collected by Hampers of Hope.



Rev Nancy's First Worship

We were delighted to welcome Rev Nancy into school to lead her first worship at St John's. As our current Christian Value is 'Respect,' Rev Nancy told the children the story of the Good Samaritan. We then ended worship with prayers and the song, 'Shine Jesus Shine.' While in school Rev Nancy met some of the members of our Ethos Group and signed our visitor’s book. Here is Rev Nancy meeting some members of our Ethos Group.



Transition for Year 6

Many thanks to Bev for coming to school and leading a Covid-19 safe transition workshop for Year 6.



Virtual Christingle

St Oswald's Church - Sunday 30th November 2020.

This year's Christingle Service took place virtually at St Oswald's.



Dear All,

23rd March, 2020

This is just to inform you that sadly but with immediate effect our church building is closed until further notice, following the Government’s latest  directive that people should absolutely not now go out unless it is really necessary.

I have been into St Oswald’s tonight to say a prayer, turn off all the heating, empty the rubbish bins and put up new notices on the doors to let people know that, although the building itself has had to close, our hearts and prayers will remain open - “the light shines in the darkness...”    

Please continue to join in our “10 for 10” prayers wherever you are, and do keep safe and well.

God bless!

Veronica x


Dear All,

You are in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Please see the attached flyer which tells you about our initiative for keeping each other in mind every day – 10 for 10.

It also says when the church will be open – just for private prayer – as unfortunately all public services and events have been suspended.

Essentially we are open on Sundays and Thursdays between 9.30am and 11.30am and on Wednesdays from 8.30am till 4.30pm, only for those who can safely come out.

Please share this information with your neighbours and friends. Also for any updates, please keep an eye on our RiCH and St Oswald Bollington Facebook pages (NOT the “St Oswald’s Bollington” one though, which was not set up by us!!!). The official church Facebook page can be accessed via our website www.stoswaldbollington.org.uk. Thank you.

Several people have very kindly offered to help those who are housebound by going shopping for them or in other ways. Do let us know of anyone who may need this help. There is also a link on our website for anyone to request assistance. Thank you.

“Be strong and of good courage, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”.

Love and blessings,

Veronica x


St Oswald's Church is no longer permitted to offer their normal pattern of Sunday and weekday services.

The church will be open for private prayer at the following times:
Sundays from 9.30am till 11.30am
Wednesdays from 8.30am till 4.30pm
Thursdays from 9.30am till 11.30am

They are not encouraging people to come out and put themselves at any risk if they should stay indoors, but to enable people to come in as individuals if they choose to do so.

If you choose to come to the church, please observe sensible precautions to protect the health of yourself and others:

  • Please wash your hands thoroughly before entering the main body of the church (handwashing facilities in the toilets).

  • Please minimise touching handrails or door-handles with your bare hands where possible.

  • Please avoid all direct physical contact with other people.

  • We will not be offering tea/coffeefor the foreseeable future.

Please do let the Vicar or Churchwardens know if you are self-isolating, or if you are aware of someone else who might need them to keep in contact with by phone for reassurance or to assist with shopping etc.

Thank you,

Veronica x


Harvest Service - video sent to parents

Sunday 11th October 2020

Harvest was a little different this year, but we still had fun celebrating. The children worked very hard to create a special Harvest assembly, which was recorded and uploaded online. 

Class 2 wrote Harvest poems, some of which are featured in the November edition of the St Oswald's Church Magazine.

We were also fortunate to have a parent who arranged Harvest donations to be taken to Hope Central.

We are so lucky to have such a beautiful school, which has come alive this Autumn.



Chester Cathedral

We have been gifted the use of this beautiful picture of a stained glass window depicting St John the Baptist.

You can find this stained glass window at Chester Cathedral.

Our thanks go to Chester Cathedral and Elizabeth Moncrieff for this gift.




Files to Download

Student Login