Class 4: Gallery
Buddies, by Mrs Watson
Safety Central, by Mrs Watson
Academy Week 3, by Mr Hanson
Using Micro:Bits in Class 4, by Mrs Watson
Football Match, by Mr Hanson
Class 4 Forest Schools, by Mrs Watson
Tadpole to Froglets, by Mrs Watson
PGL, by Mrs Walker
Doodlers, by Mrs Watson
British Science Week, by Mr Hanson
Junior Girls’ Football, by Mr Hanson
World Book Day, by Mrs Watson
Yarn Bombing, by Mrs Watson
Shrove Tuesday, by Mrs Watson
Open the Book, by Mrs Watson
Chester Zoo Trip, by Mrs Jobbins
Christmas Lunch 2023, by Mr Timmis
The Wizard of Oz- Junior Production, by Mrs Watson
Christingle Workshops, by Mrs Jobbins
Nightmail by WH Auden Performances, by Mrs Watson
National Poetry Day, by Mrs Jobbins
Education Nature Park, by Mrs Watson
Self Portraits, by Mrs Watson
Sustainable Development Goals, by Mrs Watson
Reading Buddies, by Mrs Watson